​Energy healing has been around for centuries. If you are unsure of the benefits,

click here to read my article called Does Energy Healing Work? 

Welcome to Love Alchemy Energy Healing, a transformative experience designed to help you align with your highest self,

clear blockages, assist with healing, and activate your inner wisdom and power.

During this session, we will begin by setting an intention and creating a safe and nurturing space for you to explore and connect with your inner landscape. I will tap into intuitive knowing to sense and identify any areas of imbalance or blockages in your

energy field, chakras, and body.

Using a variety of techniques, including Reiki/energy healing, guided visualization, and meditation, we will work together to balance your energy centres and activate your body's natural healing abilities. This will assist with releasing any stagnant energy, emotional pain or trauma, while allowing you to connect with your higher guidance and access deeper levels of awareness and understanding.

As we work through your energy field, I may receive intuitive messages and divine wisdom that I will share with you. These messages may provide guidance, clarity, and support on your spiritual journey, helping you to move forward with confidence and purpose.

By the end of the session, you will leave feeling more balanced, centred, and aligned with your physical body and higher self.

You will also be given the tools and practices to continue your journey towards self-discovery and healing to use at home.

You will always be held in a space of love.

With energy healing, you must have the intention and hold the intention of healing/releasing the parts that no longer serve you.

Remember: You are the healer of your life. I’m merely leading you to the door to walk through it.

Sometimes we need a little guidance because it is hard to see the path.

I also offer tandem services of one on one self-love coaching with energy healing. Click here to learn more.

In-person Energy Session:  $65 for one hour - 
Contact me to book a session.

Give the Gift of Healing. Gift Certificates for Distance and In-Person sessions are now available.

​Distance Energy Healing

What is Distance Healing?

Distance or remote healing happens when the healer is doing the healing via from a distance. The client is in their own space in a relaxed state while enjoying the benefits.

Does it work?

Everything is energy, and when we intend to send healing energy to the other person, and the other person is open and allowing,
then the benefits will be received easily.

Energy healing is done through Google Meet video chat. A quick and easy intake form is required and then a preliminary chat prior to the session. Once done, I will bring you out of the session. You will also be sent a follow-up email.

Online Energy Healing Session - $40.00 for one hour

Contact me to book a session.